Abandoned and blighted properties negatively impact neighborhoods and the local economy. They depress property values, discourage investment, and attract criminal activity. Yet, these properties can sometimes offer considerable opportunity for meaningful economic and community development projects. The Cuyahoga Land Bank works closely with local governments, business stakeholders, and developers to assemble and return vacant, tax-delinquent properties into productive parcels. These collaborations fuel job retention and creation, attract and retain residents and businesses, and raise the county’s competitive position.
Providing a Second Life for Distressed and Challenged Properties
Piecing individual parcels of land together can be an expensive undertaking for private developers. As a result, developers prefer to build on the fringes of developed areas where large tracts of underdeveloped land are available while ignoring the potential for redevelopment within built-out areas such as Cuyahoga County’s inner ring cities. The Cuyahoga Land Bank assembles parcels of developable land for green space or future development when appropriate. Through its strategic land assembly efforts, the Land Bank can facilitate a second life for discarded properties and restore value to the community’s tax base.

Revitalizing Our Community Property by Property
Our innovative rehabilitation and new home construction programs provide many housing opportunities and encourage responsible home ownership.
New Construction & Home Renovations
The new homes that we develop through quality renovations and new infill construction are changing the face of neighborhoods.
Properties in need of Renovation
We offer vacant homes to renovate as an affordable home for your family or as an investment opportunity.
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Housing Construction Gap Grant Program
We support the construction of new homes by experienced developers through our construction financing gap grants.
Property Donations
Own a house in serious need of repairs, has been condemned, holds little or no value? You may be able to donate it to us.
Collaborations & Programs for the most in need
Our collaborations and partnerships help many underserved and at-risk populations in our community to gain shelter.
Forfeiture Redevelopment Opportunities
We can help investors acquire and redevelop foreclosed commercial, industrial, and apartment buildings.
Side Yard Program
Do you want to plant a garden, add an addition to your home, install a driveway, or garage or simply want more room for your children or pets to play? If you live or do business next door to a vacant lot owned by the Cuyahoga Land Bank, you may be eligible to purchase the lot to expand your yard or business through our Side Yard Program. One of our most successful and popular programs, the Side Yard Program has helped hundreds of Cuyahoga County residents utilize vacant land in resourceful and imaginative ways.
Vacant and blighted properties are public nuisances and impair surrounding property values. The Land Bank is authorized to accelerate the acquisition and demolition of abandoned nuisance properties to help strengthen neighborhoods.
Since its creation, the Cuyahoga Land Bank has demolished thousands of such buildings throughout the county. Removing these structures supports the opportunity for a neighborhood to rebound from years of disinvestment, clears a path for repurposing, and increases public safety, appearance and property values.
The Cuyahoga Land Bank identifies properties for demolition based on physical condition, local input and other criteria. Demolition activities comply with the requirements of each municipality and the site is left fully graded and with new grass installed.
After a decade of aggressive demolition efforts, we have made much progress. While we will continue to do our part to reduce blight in communities through strategic demolition, the Cuyahoga Land Bank is working harder than ever on rebuilding our communities by constructing new homes on vacant lots and by undertaking quality home renovations.
Vacant Lot Reuse
Clean, Green, and Beautiful
The Cuyahoga Land Bank supports the efforts of innovative community groups and organizations to clean, maintain, and beautify Land Bank-owned vacant lots. Just like you, we desire to beautify neighborhoods and build camaraderie among neighbors. Our programs conform to the local municipal policy and may not be available in all communities. If you are interested in embarking on a beautification project for a Land Bank-owned property, please contact your local city government or us.
Repurposing Vacant Lots as Side Yards
Homeowners with a Cuyahoga Land Bank-owned vacant lot on either side of their home may have the opportunity to affordably purchase that property as a side yard. Adding a Land Bank parcel to an existing yard enhances the value of the homeowner’s property while restoring the parcel to the County tax rolls. If a Land Bank-owned lot lies next door to your home that you would like to purchase, please visit our Side Yard Program page HERE. Note: The Cuyahoga Land Bank Side Yard Program conforms to local municipal policy and may not be available in all communities or for all lots.
Urban Agriculture and Community Gardening
Urban gardening integrates both flora and forestry into the economic and ecological system of our cities. The Cuyahoga Land Bank partners with local governments and public and private sector organizations to deploy Land Bank lots where practical for a range of greening efforts including community gardens, urban farms, orchards, vineyards, and reforestation.
We also assist community groups that want to develop and maintain gardens within specific target areas. These gardens may be part of broader water retention or beautification initiatives or be geared to supplying the myriad Farmer’s Markets operating across our County. And we make lots available to gardeners for propagating plants and for recycling yard accessories as part of the sharing economy. If you are interested in embarking on an urban greening project on a Land Bank-owned property, contact your local city government or us. Note: Gardening programs conform to local city policy and may not be available in all communities.
Preservation & Inspection
Due to various factors, not every property that the Cuyahoga Land Bank acquires can be immediately demolished or renovated. To discourage vandalism and lessen deterioration, these properties are preserved by employing both large and small field services contractors to secure them. Field service activities include changing locks, disconnecting utilities, mowing grass, removing debris, and boarding up the property so that weather conditions do not further damage it. We partner with Cuyahoga County Court Community Services which deploys offenders fulfilling their community service sentence to perform maintenance tasks on our properties.
Interested in Doing Contract Work for the Cuyahoga Land Bank?
The Cuyahoga Land Bank is helping revitalize neighborhoods throughout Cuyahoga County with strategic redevelopment projects, including modern new home construction and attractive home renovations. We work with a diverse group of quality contractors and are looking for more including general contractors and builders, plumbers, electricians, HVAC, and carpenters.
If you work in any of the following fields and would like to be considered for work with the Cuyahoga Land Bank, please complete our pre-qualification form by clicking here.
Home Renovation
Home Construction
Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance
Appraisal Services
Upon completion of the pre-qualification application and necessary attachments, you may submit to [email protected]
Your application will be reviewed and, if it satisfies our pre-qualification requirements, your company may have the potential to receive bids for future work with the Land Bank on a periodic basis. Please note that pre-qualifying does not guarantee that you will be offered work. If you have any questions, please call (216) 698-8843 or email [email protected].