A Holiday Message


A Holiday Message

As we near the end of another year, let us all reflect on the year (the good and the bad) and be thankful even in the midst of hardship. I read a note from a recent Scranton Road Baptist Church bulletin suggesting that this is a time to put on our X-ray vision goggles and see the challenges and struggles of others. It is a time to be charitable.

When people see unmotivated, “at risk,” or struggling people with housing problems, addictions or family crises, may our X-ray vision instead see gems waiting to be polished and redeemed from their circumstances, and consider how we might be helpful agents in that process. These are people who God knows by name, He knows their worth, untold stories and victories yet to be unfolded.

As a holiday, Christmas is about the birth of Christ. He told His followers to serve Him. His definition of serving Him was doing service and charitable works to those who are marginalized or often fall through the cracks. Regardless of one’s faith tradition, this is a time for all of us to consider how we may serve and bring joy to those around us. On behalf of all the staff at the Cuyahoga Land Bank, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

Gus Frangos, President and General Counsel