Did You Know?: How does the Cuyahoga Land Bank use Technology?
In this FAQ video, Director of IT and Research, Michael Schramm explains that the Cuyahoga Land Bank has an in-house ...
FAQ 10 – How does the Cuyahoga Land Bank use technology?
Home In this FAQ video, Cuyahoga Land Bank Director of IT and Research Michael Schramm explain how the Cuyahoga Land ...
March 10, 2012 [Michael K. McIntyre, The Plain Dealer] The Cuyahoga County Land Bank reached two milestones last week: It ...
Former Cuyahoga Treasurer Jim Rokakis pushes for federal demolition assistance (Plain Dealer)
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Money that Cleveland and its suburbs could get from the state for demolition would help, but proposed ...

Land Bank’s Reasearch, Funding Skills Win Fans in the Motor City
When the Center for Community Progress drew up its agenda for Land Bank Conference 2011 in Detroit, planners knew they ...