Euclid nearing completion of first round of county demolition program projects (The News Herald)
February 17, 2016 [Andrew Cass, The News-Herald] Euclid was one of two communities to receive the maximum $1 million in ...
Euclid could get $1 million from Cuyahoga County Property Demolition Program
April 11, 2015 [The News-Herald] Euclid is being recommended to receive $1 million in the first round of Cuyahoga County ...
Cuyahoga, Lake Counties continue fight against nuisance properties (News-Herald)
Cuyahoga County Council members and the administration spent much of 2014 working out the details of a plan to remove ...
Cuyahoga County’s $50 million demolition plan looking to impact communities
November 7, 2014 [Andrew Cass, The News-Herald] “What we do today is not the end of the process, it’s really ...
Blight and home abandonment now a persistent drag on Greater Cleveland’s economy: Brent Larkin
June 27, 2014 [Brent Larkin,] In a meeting with about 60 senior citizens at the Cleveland branch library in ...

Celebrating the HomeFront Program
Home is where the heart is! For the American soldiers who risk their lives every day to protect our freedoms, ...
Cuyahoga Land Bank helps U.S. military veteran purchase Euclid home at greatly discounted rate
May 23, 2014 [WEWS Newschannel 5] There was a popular song during and after the American Civil War which was ...
5PM: Cuyahyoga Land Bank helps U.S. military veteran purchase Euclid home at greatly discounted rate
April 23, 2014 [WEWS] Here is video footage of the Cuyahoga Land Bank Memorial Day event featuring Holden Gibbons and ...
Cuyahoga Land Bank helps veterans find homes
May 22, 2014 [Amy Popik, The News Herald] As a way to give back to the community and local veterans, ...

Land Bank Properties Serve as Sites for Fire Department Trainings
Imagine being in temperatures of 400 degrees and higher with zero visibility while carrying 57 pounds of water. It is ...
Property values dropping in Lake, Geauga, Cuyahoga counties (The News-Herald)
It’s a mixed bag when one looks into how single-family home property values have fluctuated across Lake, Geauga and eastern ...
Cuyahoga Land Bank Renovates 700th Property; Demolishes 2,000th Property
This week, the Cuyahoga Land Bank hit two milestones as it continues to fulfill its mission to strategically acquire properties, ...