North Royalton free to rid itself of nuisance gas station

Media Reports News

North Royalton free to rid itself of nuisance gas station

March 12, 2013 [Scott Patsko,]

NORTH ROYALTON: Time has run out on the abandoned gas station at the corner of State Road and Royalton Road.

The 60-day window for the property owners to appeal the building’s nuisance status has closed, leaving the city to move forward with demolition plans. The Cuyahoga County Land Bank is trying to secure funding to remove the above-ground structure as well as the underground gas tanks, said Director of Community Development Tom Jordan.

“I anticipate that they will receive the funding,” said Jordan.

The project could take four-to-six months.

The city officially declared the site a nuisance on Dec. 10. The property has been tied up in foreclosure for several years. Millennium Property Holdings bought the property in Dec. 2006 and had it operational until April 2007. In recent years the city has attempted to get the ownership company to address the vacant station, but has received no response.

Mayor Robert Stefanik received demolition estimates last year of between $11,000 and $12,000. Cuyahoga County considers the property one its 20 worst due to the liens and entities involved. If the city ends up handling the demolition and clearing, the cost would become yet another lien against the property.