Meet the Team: Roberto Rodriquez

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Meet the Team: Roberto Rodriquez


Self-driven and motivated is how Roberto Rodriguez, Construction Project Manager for the Cuyahoga Land Bank, describes himself. Those attributes are what makes him so successful in his work. Read about the best advice he ever received, what keeps him busy outside the office, and a little something most people would be surprised to learn about him.

Roberto Rodriguez

Construction Project Manager

Date of Hire

December 2022


Purdue University Calumet

Describe yourself in three words.

Self-motivated, results-driven and resourceful

What is your favorite part of your work?

Creativity and problem solving always motivates me. Giving our customers an amazing home that they have purchased with their hard-earned money feels great!

What is the best advice you ever received?

Work yourself out of a job!

What is one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?

I didn’t learn English until my late teens.

What’s playing in your car right now?

Cross Examined podcast with Dr. Frank Turek

What do you do for fun/hobbies?

I enjoy a lot of spontaneous activities with my wife and three children.

What drew you to work at the Cuyahoga Land Bank?

The opportunity to put all my skills and experience to good use in the community while still enjoying my family.

Interested in learning more about the Cuyahoga Land Bank team?  Click HERE for more employee profiles.