FAQ 7 - What does the Cuyahoga Land Bank do with houses that can't be renovated?

Land Bank FAQs

FAQ 7 – What does the Cuyahoga Land Bank do with houses that can’t be renovated?


The Cuyahoga Land Bank acquires about 100 properties a month, which it assesses – after vacancy has been confirmed – in order to determine whether the property can be renovated or must be demolished.  Assessments consider electrical, plumbing, HVAC, the roof and the foundation.  If an assessment and team review determines that the property is too deteriorated to be renovated, it is slated for demolition. All these properties then undergo an asbestos survey and any necessary remediation prior to demolition.  Once a home is demolished, the land can be taken by a neighbor as a yard expansion, utilized as an urban garden or for future economic development.

Watch the video on YouTube.