Forest City, Safeguard Properties join Cleveland nonprofits to rehab homes in Slavic Village (Plain Dealer)
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Slavic Village, the Cleveland neighborhood often called "ground zero" in the nation's foreclosure crisis, might become the ...
The tales a ruined house tells: Christopher Evans
February 20, 2013 [Christopher Evans,] The vinyl siding is intact. That's the first thing I notice as Frank Ford ...
Cleveland needs a plan for housing stock: editorial
February 5, 2013 [The Plain Dealer] A clear-eyed master plan to deal with the vacant and abandoned properties that crater ...
What to do with the vacant homes in Cleveland is a quandary
February 3, 2013 [Leila Atassi,] CLEVELAND, Ohio -- On a late-November afternoon, Cleveland City Councilman Jeffrey Johnson drove slowly ...
Cuyahoga Land Bank Featured on Cleveland Stories
Cuyahoga Land Bank President Gus Frangos and Cleveland City Councilman Tony Brancatelli, who is the Land Bank's Board Chair, sat ...

“The Way Government is Supposed to Work”
Party politics wasn't on anyone's agenda on December 7th, when Ohio Attorney General Michael DeWine visited a Slavic Village demolition ...
Cuyahoga Land Bank at the Ohio AG Demolition Grant Press Conference (Youtube)
The Ohio Attorney General distributed $11.8 million in matching funds ($6.8 million from the Land Bank, $5 million from the ...
How a Community Demolished Its Way Out of a Crisis (National Journal)
‘BURY THE DEAD’ Rokakis became an unlikely champion of demolition over rehabbing the abandoned houses. “By 2007, it became obvious ...
DeWine’s Demolitions: A Smashing Success?
December 9, 2012 [Brian Bull, WCPN] Abandoned and foreclosed homes in the state are being demolished at a steady rate, ...
Cleveland Stories Features the Cuyahoga Land Bank (Youtube)
Cuyahoga Land Bank President Gus Frangos and Cleveland City Councilman Tony Brancatelli, who is the Land Bank's Board President, sat ...
Consultant erred in analysis of Cleveland’s long-term cost of blight, Councilman Brancatelli says (Plain Dealer)
Correction: A graphic published originally with this story incorrectly said that the city of Cleveland pays the economic costs when ...
Congress should pass neighborhood restoration bill: editorial (Plain Dealer)
Financial predators peddling subprime loans wrecked many Cleveland neighborhoods. It will take more than two decades and $4.5 billion just ...